Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thank you very much

Dear Anonymous sender of original Victorinox Swiss knife,

I have received your parcel. May be you should write your name on the packet so I may try to understand why you would send me a knife.

lotsa love,

kindly note: Horoscope said
expect the unexpected.


  1. so cool. i wish someone sent me swiss knives via mail.

  2. Yep, so damn cool
    Now why isn't anyone sending me any cool stuff?

  3. yeah, cry not o receiver of anonymous swiss knives .... it is probably the doing of one who'd want you to find your way out of emergencies and such..;-P

  4. yeah, cry not o receiver of anonymous swiss knives .... it is probably the doing of one who'd want you to find your way out of emergencies and such..;-P

  5. I din do it.. I din do it...

  6. On afterthought, a swiss knife can be used to kill people, no?

  7. Did you just subscribe for Outlook or one of the magazines in their kitty? They do that kind of stuff, send subscribers Swiss knives, you know.

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  9. Boss you are not understanding. Swiss army knife is a means of secret conversation:

    My ex-girlfriend blade farewell to me last week. I am trying to e'razor memory from my mind, and see if I can open up to someone else. Hence kindly be knife to me and oblige.

    You follow ke no?

  10. ha ha ha!

    Well, I didn't subscribe to any magazine. It must be a sacred symbol for a secret conversation like bikerdude explains.


Try not be anonymous, leave a cryptic initial.