Saturday, March 15, 2008

Chamki, the paraqueen

These south indians no! They want to add an A everywhere. Rama oh Rama!


  1. Ma’am it is a discrimination against us. We strass tha lattar ‘A’ so mach because ….. hmm.. hmm.. sarry I dan’t knaw. But I am sure thare aren’t any scientific reasans behind it. We simply lave tha lattar ‘A’ and we lave our cauntry’s humaraus take on as. Rama oh Rama! Is vary North Indian ‘Shiva Shiva’ is what we Tam’s say.

  2. v are lige thet wonly. please not to mind. justu adjust.

  3. hehehee :) i like the second photoo :)

  4. yus yus, kindly adjust madi.

  5. Dei, what da ..... now you'll say we add sambhar masala to everything we eat! (which incidentally was true of ranga, the hostel cook):D

    p.s.It's "swalpa adjust martini", I believe

  6. And you forgot H that we add to names. Anitha, Siddharth, etc.

  7. oh no! I haven't forgotton anything. I'm looking for one of those Murugan, Riddhi Siddhi tailor types with an extra H

  8. Yaaaaaaay! Whaaaat I say? Naaaaansense.

    Are you like mins, matlab suggaasting thad peoples up North are nod making ispaaling misteks?
    If so, kindly accompany me to P'njaab where I shall feed you child bear and send witch.


  9. And yes, like Tokyo said above, if Rajni saar says its spelt Paraking, that's how it shall be spelt forever.

  10. Hey Chamki,

    I love your blog,its beautifully,refreshingly different and your creativity simply stuns me. I love your stuff.

    Oh and you must also notice the expressions of south indian men. They are a class apart. Especially the auto drivers,bus conductors sort. They are enthralling,to say the least.

    And I'm here to stay :)


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