Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Secret Delights of Love and the Merchants of Menace

Here is a cheap book I bought to draw in and these are the drawings I made. Any resemblance to any human dead or alive is purely coincidental. Life's been very unpretty recently - diarrhoea and all that.I had the weirdest dream today. Not the weirdest content I say but what happens is I have a bit of an argument with Kirs about the house and how she makes a mess of everything, you know, the usual, then walk towards the bathroom and spit a lot in the wash basin. I woke up to find that I had actually- a split second before I woke up - spat on the pillow and on my hair. I had to wash up and panic all at the same time. Bloody hell, all this when I'm not even on any drugs or pills. The other day I dreamt I was a fish in bed and my mosquito net was a fishing net. I was the fish in love with a fisherman willingly getting caught. Yesterday, I dreamt Smriti Irani, the lady who plays Tulsi in Kyunki (Kyunki... remember my Irish friend?) saying in an interview that she likes Bjork's music (!?!?)
Akshay: you're really good at these - you can make a career out of them, if you want to.
Chamki: the dreams?
Akshay: you never know, you could become an overpaid prophet of dreams. i can sell visions and you can sell dreams. together we'll be merchants.
Chamki: merchants of menace?
akshay is a photu man. he thinks he sells visions, excuse him.


  1. chamki!!
    i love these!!!
    draw for meeeeeeeeee
    (i drew for you in the lettr on its way to you this weekend)p.s. the last line was not a subtle bribe but an information which i hope will make you smiiiiile

  2. i love this post, and i love the idea of drawing in book!

  3. i love love love love love this.

    seriously. and you're a calvin and hobbes fan?? ;-)

  4. Life may not be pretty right now but your work certainly is.

  5. hehe. we might have a blogger crush on you chamkorani.

  6. The devil speaks the truth ! and nothinh but the truth :)

    dilli is thandi

  7. hey thank you guys.
    I've decided I like comments specially when they mention the word love.

    lotsa you know what,

  8. never said but my favourite one (book) that you've wreaked havoc on....thus far....

    love :)

  9. I love making my books seem like they belong to me by scribbling loads in them. But this? This is just lovely - the way you've drawn on and around the writings.

    And your dreams, they're biazarre. Not that dreams ever were meant to be logical, but I'm trying to imagine you as a fish in your bed.... And it's bizarre :)

  10. Hey hey Chamkorani, finally made it to your blog and so totally love it, because it is beautiful and all that, but it so totally reminds me of why and how I love you.

  11. ok! I declare this week


    the LOVE WEEK.

    for reasons unmentionable on the blog.
    unmentionable did I say? on this blog?

    but well... yeah... grin

  12. Hello,

    This is a inquiry for the webmaster/admin here at

    May I use part of the information from this post above if I give a backlink back to this website?



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