Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Morning! Mourning! Moaning! Mooning?

Just thought of a morning notsolong ago. M and me did what we had planned. That's so rare! This morning was similar. I began Yoga Class again. Its a strange thing- Bhaang. People like me should stay away from it. We are capable of sending ourselves on plenty of cranky, sad, nostalgic, hormonally violently happy, numb and I-want-to-change-the-world trips. We should try to use our heads a little more. I do not recommend Bhaang to anyone who has at any time in their life felt charged or melancholy, which basically rules out all the people who live or notice ANYTHING ! The physical drugged effect can last up to 2 days but the thoughts and the visions you have perceived never leave. So... do yoga and enjoy Xanadu Times, every morning, with your cup of tea or coffee.(Also, milo milk! hee hee) I was supposed to be talking about morning and mornings! Oh well!


  1. Wow!you-did-that!whoa!

    monkey-like-tracy-chapman? :)

  2. What did I do?
    Monkey like tracy chapman?
    I like tracy chapman.

  3. Oh now I get the tracy chapman connection!

    I'm s-l-o-www.


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