Monday, May 19, 2008

So, I've been thinking...

Monday, May 19th, 2008 -- You are in an upbeat phase, but anxiety still runs through you like a brush fire in a dry spell. You are on-edge, as if things won't settle down. The best antidote for you is to get out and do something. You could always sneak away from work to go shopping or head out to a ball game. Whatever you do, keep the fire of spontaneity burning.

drawings of pictures by lecercle.


  1. the scanner's on the music is unplugged :)

  2. lovely journal you have lady!very jaminiroyesque figures

    I must get around to buying myself some charcoal.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am loving your sketchbook! Don't stop!! :-)

  5. I came here from flickr. I like your doodles a lot. I also like the way you are so unrestrained in your writing :)

  6. what lovely images. miss you.

  7. "I'm looking for a word in the dictionary. It's got to be honest and good and true and fair and ethical and something that does not want to look better than it is. I'm still looking."

    This was beautiful...I've come back to read these lines a few times..


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