Saturday, March 01, 2008

This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.

Fresh lot of drawings from the last rotting week of February, a month usually loved in Bombay.But February in Bangalore was not about the usual things.

text: is my life and my behaviour largely attracting men?
is that what I believe completes me?
strawberry soda pop makes my heart flop all over the place
and St. Valentine has nothing to do with it.

Virgo Horoscopes (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Saturday, Mar 1st, 2008 -- Scheduling spontaneous play may seem like an oxymoron, but a formal approach can give you the stability you need to let loose. The Moon in your 5th House of Fun encourages you to accomplish goals that might not have made it onto your New Year's Resolution list because you are less concerned with productivity now. Nurture your inner artist; it's waiting for you to provide it with the structure it needs.


  1. chamkirani, that's one chamko name u got girl.
    shine on.

  2. chamkirani, that's one chamko name u got girl.
    shine on.

  3. I love Clara, who wasted away. ;-)

  4. :) yay. beaautifool. edwardgoreyistehbest. and i love your takes on them.

  5. I like Edward Gorey. Used his work to get my hand moving on uninspired days.

  6. Ma'am I tried really hard not to comment- forgive me, I couldn't resist.
    " I admire your artistic skills-you are too good "

  7. skyblue+seagreen
    you don't have to resist you know, I have nothing against people flattering me.nothing.

  8. Ma’am originality always moves me (I believe it moves everyone) very few people I’ve met possess it. It was my humble but honest appreciation. I am flattered to hear that you are flattered.


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