Sunday, October 14, 2007

“Life's disappointments are harder to take when you don't know any swear words.”- Calvin & Hobbes

What is a quote? How much does it feel? Words that are not your own. You understand them and appreciate them. You may get influenced or inspired but these words are not your own. Words that originate through your internals are words that you realise and add to the your story. What are words picked from others stories worth to yours? Your words can be the same as someone else's words but they can't be picked and quoted.Or shouldn't be. That stops your creation. Talk about the sun. Talk about the stock market. Talk about the latest trends but say something you want to say because it must be said.

“The best way to waste your life, ... is by taking notes. The easiest way to avoid living is to just watch. Look for the details. Report. Don't participate.”
Chuck Palahniuk


  1. Love that quote from calvin and hobbes!

  2. hmmm I like the thrill of finding a quote that says exactly what we're thinking or feeling.
    And I've been quoted before, even in the stupid things I've said :)

  3. one's own words are never even REALLY their own, since we learn language from others, we learn and copy ideas and behaviours from others. language is a gift from those around us, therefore our words are polyphonic by nature.


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