Tuesday, August 28, 2007

what a soul tired from
a trance feels
is bliss.

Our bliss is in our honesty,
in work that keeps us truthful.

my truth is in my loneliness,
and dance much like drawing is
only scribbling in space.

written as blood pumps its way back to my body
after my dance school audition.
I got the form but not the scholarship.
as yet.


  1. I don't believe this... was the same place I had looked up :) Great, hope you join. I really want to sometime...

  2. that school looks REALLY interesting. what do you think so far? I wonder what is around here in U.S. that combines the visual art/mixed media with dance...I like the part about outreach to schools etc. also...

    do you have past experiences with dance...memories of dance...how did you think to apply there, I wonder...(the interested Jen asks:oP)

    you are a second friend of mine to be looking at the way technology can be used in artistic expression...just starting to get involved has lead to meeting of people who have things(knowledge, expertise even, creative ideas, friendship) to share...and can appreciate her ideas. this is nice of course, but it can sometimes be very helpful...ya never know...

    I think it is the second time in last couple days I saw the idea of "visual poetry" mentioned...

    uh, it makes me think of placing oneself in situations/experiences that excite and energize and create feelings of hope and possibilities can do more than generate bliss (though that alone is sounding good)

    but also it can increase the likelihood of meeting people that might share the excitement...and lead to interaction over time...getting to know others as one is knowing oneself...and of course there is the enjoyment of being part of something that hopefully one loves....or maybe it leads to something else, that is more "the thing"...

    maybe the involvement in what one really loves helps to make the lonliness more tolerable...maybe then it is "easier" to keep faith that it is possible to find/create a relationship with potential for intimacy and a mutual feeling of connectedness and belonging...with time and circumstance and efforts it is possible...maybe it is even bound to happen...even to those not expecting or looking...it just follows...

    I think that there is a way for any person to feel content and joy and purpose and less lonely and honest...and to find a place or places...where connections can be made...where abilities can be strengthened and what might hold one back can be weakened....just because there is a way, does not mean it is seen or that it is easy...

    just because we try..have tried and yet not gotten whatever "it" is...is not proof at all that "it" is impossible...or proof of anything necessarily...it is what we think of it...

    I think people need to persist in the pursuit of what is important to them...but also try new approaches or challenge themselves in some way sometimes...to get more information...to increase the likelihood...

    looking is the way to find...

    I hope you find interesting things...now and always and that what you can envision for yourself happens in good time : ) and that faith is yours.

    I hope you get the scholarship ...the more you want it, the more I hope you get it: )...

    but no matter what...I hope you know you are not totally alone even as you feel that loneliness...as you know that what you desire is not yet there...but it will be. : )

    I am working to get there myself
    ;-) yeah chamki for striving for honesty...I wish I were thinking some of your thoughts when I was your age

    jen getting older, but expecting to feel younger one day soon

  3. lovely poem... shaun


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