Tuesday, August 21, 2007

There are going to be 2 separate posts now.

Warning fellow readers.
I'm bound to do something stupid soon.

My horrorscope scares me.
How do they know?

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Reality has an obstacle or two to place in your way now, as Saturn is in its final week of visiting your sign. Consider the extraordinary pressures you have faced since August, 2005, to see what you can learn from the past two years. Remember, awareness is crucial; if you can understand your role in what's happening, then you can push through to the other side.

Flash back to August 2005, I quit a job ubruptly because I was being bitched about behind my back, politics, mean two faced creatures and I swore not to work with such people again. Then my boy friend broke up with me and it was one of those painful times which led to several sessions with a shrink, screaching at his face, and then this blog in October 2005. This blog sort of helped me heal. Now, I have to push to the other side? Man...

see I'm likely to forget this by tomorrow

but its nice to have it as a reference

to look back at and see if something crazy does happen.

you'll get to be witness and all.


  1. Break on through. The weather's fine.

  2. So did something crazy happen?

    I mean, besides just being you? ;-)


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