Monday, May 14, 2007

Almost famous in Humari Dilli

Dilli life is slow when you come here from Bombay. But today has been a day of finds.
I was watching National Geographic in the morning because well... I don't like news channels. (Oh! there are enough reasons. Ok... If you insist, 1. My parents put on the news channel really loud in the morning and the house feels like a chawl. Secondly, a minute of exposure to the channels supplies us with enough violence to ruin our day. 3. I'm not interested in AB's baby's wedding, nor Jhanavi.) 4. I like reading a newspaper once in a while. Coming back to the National Geographic Channel, the show was about babies, not AB's but twins - fraternal, Siamese and mirror image twins, multiple children and their birth. The effects of pre-natal environment on their behaviour patterns. Not as boring as it seems. There were interesting thoughts like most eggs are fertilised to give birth to twins, or more than one baby (like in animals) but we, er, the ones who are born might have killed them early at birth. Our instincts are to take nutrition and anything that restricts it can be gotten rid of. Not too much of this was discussed (obviously). The focus was the birth cycle of twins, triplets and quads.
Mirror image twins are fascinating, unlike twins who resemble each other these are mirror images of each other, even to the extent that if one twin is right handed the other is left and if the heart of one twin is located in the left side of the chest, the heart of the other is in the right!

Then life dragged again, Dilli style till I decided to listen to the radio on my very sparkling new phone. After switching radio channels for 45 mins I heard the word "blogging". Now this I couldn't miss. Chhavi joined RJ Jeena on 104.8 fm to talk about blogging. Chhavi is an internationally acclaimed blogger who has written 23 blogs or so she denied :P The songs were boring, and the time too little to really talk about something significantly deep that's what kept you at it. See, no one can handle too much gyaan on the radio with bad voices. But Chhavi has a great voice and must consider the Radio as a career option. She was waaaaaaaay better the RJ. Why am I telling you all this? Like all narcissistic and self obsessed people who love to blog, I'm telling you this because I, Yours truly, am involved in something big and significant, deep and important! Well... I hesitated and tried to come up with a question just to be involved in this. All I could think about was the future of my grandchildren, them inheriting all the revenue generated by my blog. I called, knowing somehow I would get through because they had announced the number 289 times already. Also, in Humari Dilli, I don't know of many people who are not sleeping or working, (same difference) at 4:3o ish in the afternoon.
and the voice said (it still felt like the radio!) You're on air!
And I was 2 feet about Delhi Ground Level, nervous at first then a little better, they spoke to me about me knowing I'm a little nervous perhaps and in all this drama I forgot about my grandchildren and their right to inheritance.

I have, however, emailed Chhavi the following:

Dear Chhavi,

I really enjoyed listening to you at the show on the radio today.
I meant to ask you a question but this was my first call to the radio
and I forgot.
My question is actually linked to a fantasy I have.
I began writing diaries a little earlier than the blog hoping that my grandchildren would have something to inherit since I know I'm going to be poor all my life. Now, diaries I know will stay, the pages may yellow and get dog ears but they are physical. As for blogs I'm not sure if my grandchildren will be able to google chamko rani to find me 50 yrs later.

What will happen to all these valuable posts then? Should bloggers so obsessed with their life or making property for their future generations to inherit make backups for their blog posts?

Lotsa love,


  1. It's very interesting that you'd want this blog to be your legacy for grandchildren (it especially made me laugh that you know you're going to be poor all your life). I don't think I'd like my children to read my blog, nor anyone else. As for the diaries, I think I will probably keep them for a while, until it's time to burn them. People will NOT under any circumstance read my diaries!
    Actually, I've written a post that talks about them.

  2. That was a truly egotistical comment, I'm sorry. It's all this Jupiter in me. oops, again!
    It must be a little nerve-wrecking being on air, I imagine, but I'm glad you enjoyed the show.
    Oh almost forgot, I love those programmes on human life. I think many of us had a twin in the early days, but eventually only one survived and that was us :)

  3. Actuallu, this question of uyours (what will happen to all our posts after 10, 20, more years) is something that's been bothering me too. I've no idea, so I just started an extended version of my countrysketches on paper! I'll be missing the comments, though... By the way, have you read Joanne Harris' "Five Quarters of the Orange?" It's a great book that really makes you want to journal your life.

  4. Now, I forgot to ask; what did this professional blogger reply to you? 'Cause I'm really curious.

  5. Thank you Devil mood. I like comments about yourself.

    Pequete> The professional blogger hasn't replied to my very professional email as yet. I'll let you know as soon as she does. The book I shall look for, because I'm in need of some drawing inspiration. I've made a few postcards which I shall click pictures of and pot. My scanner is back in Bombay!

  6. hey-lo chamki.
    just came in to check on how dilli is treating you. (i'll have to come sort t out if it doesn't treat you well).
    ahh, yes yes, make a blog back up.
    or simpler and more authentic, journal on we do already.

  7. Oh, I love that book Pequete mentioned. Adored it! :)

  8. 50 yrs later our blogs will be recycled!

  9. Eventually.. all blogs die..

    They go to the big Edit button in the sky..

  10. but a piece of them lives on in those that loved them...;)
    gone but not forgotten...and remembered for as long as those who remember choose to share both directly the content of the blog, or indirectly themselves having been influenced by the blog.

    a legacy...yes, a creation like a book or object of art or a thought that sparked another..a sharing...a communication...a way that others could know something of us even when we're gone..

    ..a way in which we are given "credit"'s the "proof".?.we were real

    ...but if we were, then we is true, blog or no blog....and how real we were would not depend on what we left behind...but on what we did when we were here. everyone has a is here and now.

    in the vein of the last some blogs go to heaven and others to hell? maybe they are recycled as noted above(reincarnated?)...or maybe they return to the source as (thought) energy.......or like with the push of that Edit button--now you see it, now you don't ...; )

  11. hey if u are in delhi..why dnt we meet up..i'd love to leave my number here but not sure how much a i can trust the blogging-commenting cyber blokes:P

  12. Give the morning show a listen as well.


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