Sunday, March 18, 2007

At Loony's post Now Hush, 'cause you don't matter
I wrote the following comment. The post is about the recent happening at Nandigram and her city. My comment is

Chamki said... I don't know much about your city and what the thinking is. Living in Bombay all my life, in a cocooned house, I have tried to understand things from the newspapers and TV but I don't. I never seem to understand what the ideology is and how people are applying it. May be studying philosophy has got something to do with it. I'm used to a method of understanding.

Because what I study is not a point of view or at least it isn't proposed as a point of view. But in the news and TV what I see or hear is a point of view, of the government and/or people, parties, parents. I know an ideology or a philosophy is also not God-sent. It is ultimately one man's idea but it is described completely, explicitly in a certain way with patience. In real life I find it so difficult to form my opinion because I constantly feel I don't know enough.


  1. that's often true, sadly, to most of us. i'm in calcutta and the place the thing is happening is pretty close to my ancestral home... but it's not that i know nothing but i mostly know things that have been fed to me. i keep shut because if i voice my opinion i'd prolly be voicing someone else's opinion actually. never felt the motivation to look into it myself and form my own voice.

    by the way, you've been linked on my blog. hope that's cool :)

  2. i agree with you on the points of view thing...but then...when u say u dont know much is enough?...its subjective...
    wats enough for the not convincingly enough for you...

    but thats wat differentiates points of view from the absolute truth (if there is such a thing).

    POV's are personal.and are ur take on the world , based on the info u have.
    so its fine to have a point of view...even if u dont know much (cause no one ever does...the world works on PoV's)...cause it wouldnt make a diff to the truth (again if such thing exists) anyway...

    what say?

  3. I understand what you mean.
    But isn't it a misleading idea to have the concept of absolute truth? All the philosophers! I know they believe in it because they think we need to believe in something like that.
    Anyway, thats a tangent I took. I understand that all the information available will always be a point of view but what I meant by the points of view I am faced with is the people who tell me about these things never convince me. i'm not convinced by any point of view, the people, the news, the friends, parents. No one. I can't find out by leaving my city and going everywhere, what has happened has happened already.
    What do I believe? How do I believe and what do I think about happening s at various parts of our country. Naxalites? who are they? Maoists? I know what some of them believe but what makes them do what they do? Whats the thought process?
    What is their search? Is their one? How will I know? What will I believe?

    I know this is more than a comment. It my usual long list of questions. Happens all the time.I know the answers are things I have to discover myself and that there might be no real answers. But these questions are very important.

    excuse the typos. unedited.

  4. It called, I think, 'the shadow'. It's something I picked up from Eliot's 'Hollow Men'.

  5. ok see it this way...even if you could somehow know wat goes on behind the actions...inside the heads of people who do still would differ from person to person...every maoist (for example) would have a different thought process...
    so whom do you believe?waht do you believe?

    also thoughts are personal....emotions are personal..

    so technically absolute truth is a dosent exist..even if it did....we wouldnt know of it...

    do i make any sense??

  6. Yes you do make sense.

    Also, there are opinions we can trust. These we find over time.

    This still doesn't tell me how to know about what is happening in Calcutta but I get a little ahead.



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