Friday, November 03, 2006

To 'M'
Thank you
* for liking your coffee like a piggie
* for meeting me and meeting me again till we became friends
* for telling me about the far-away wonderland Nepal
* for talking tarot
* for doing endless readings about my love-sick life
* for all the oil head massages
* for sharing your ideas, your world, your head and your hostel room...
* for the once in a while song on the i-pod (Don McLean never made me cry outside before)
* for your lurve
* for the little good morning inspire card (with the correct spelling on it)
* for pushing Pallavi and Surabhi out of their rooms
* for discovering the coffee guy for us
* for the journals
* for X,Y,Z (things we don't know yet)
* for Bhon, bhawn etc
* for prayers
* for the little pink finger thing!
* for being our angel

Ace of pentacles - my day card!
- new job, money, opportunity!
and look at the fortune!
I'm waiting!


  1. Dude, you made this card?
    What pack do you normally use?

    I wish I could find an angel deck somewhere~ its so accurate it's not funny

  2. I didn't make this card, anonymous. This is from the Tarot of the four elements deck.


Try not be anonymous, leave a cryptic initial.