Monday, February 13, 2006

V V day

valentines day isnt for lovers
to be happy
its for people who dont have love
to be miserable.
when u have love
every morning the sun shines

tomorrow is valentines day

but you know i dont feel all that bad
i have so many memories
ill write them down with chalk on the road
may be you'll walk over them
may be you'll hear me sing
may be you will hear those things

more than words
this day brings

well... its just another day isn't it?


  1. I'm helping the RSS deface cardshops and throw black paint on lovers everywhere!


  2. Im staying home watching sappy movies like Broken Flowers, Crash and Closer. Oh and maybe Pie4/40yrold virgin. Or maybe desperate housewives s2...whatever, the point is, being alone on the big eff-one-four just sucks.
    And how do those butterfly pics fit in? I just dont get it...

  3. hee hee
    good going jugular beans!

  4. its a crappy day for jobless people to bug normal people :P

  5. i feel S never lied
    i feel he hid the colour from my eye

    whom are u refering to??
    i never lie ..

  6. s you need to be a S to talk here. Grow up... get a name then we will talk.


Try not be anonymous, leave a cryptic initial.