Friday, August 05, 2011

I can open my eyes, and see so clearly~

Friday, Aug 5th, 2011 --
You are tempted to throw all caution to the wind and risk your current security for the possibility of greater pleasure. Unfortunately, your eagerness to experience something wonderful can lead to an awkward situation when you realize that the fulfillment of your desires won't necessarily bring you long-term satisfaction. Instead of taking a chance for a fleeting moment of fun, concentrate on doing something that will last.

Yann Tiersen:
I can open my eyes
And see so clearlly,

Flowers on the curtains and
The old days to come,

Anyway it's bubbles in brain,
It's mossy under the rain,
I'm wandering in some endless fields of goo.

From the book I'm reading: ' A person may choose what he cannot see', he said as if explaining something to a very obvious to a foolish individual.... To give a thing a name, a label, a handle: to rescue it from anonymity, to pluck it out of the Place of Namelessness, in short to identify it- well, that's a way of bringing a said thing into being.

I'm having my time wasted by a Disconnector Thief who will not trust in what he can't see. How much have you seen, eh, Thieflet? Africa, have you seen it? No? Then is it truly there? And submarines? Huh? Also hailstones, baseballs, pagodas? Goldmines? Kangaroos, Mount Fujiyama, the North Pole? And the past, did it happen? And the future, will it come? Believe your own eyes and you'll get into a lot of trouble, hot water, a mess'.
(I'm adding this to my favourite monologues)
see with eyes shut.
photograph part of the Diana F+ series.


  1. Hey Divya,

    this is Shankari here ( from Duruelo ). I'm not sure you remember me. I came across your blog by accident and i fell in love with it Love your doodles. I love your creativity and the energy that comes off your work. What are you upto now? Where are you? how's everything going?

    I'd love to get in touch with you.

    take care,

  2. Hello Shankari,
    Of course I remember you. Glad you got in touch. I passed school the other day and it looked so tiny. I remember when you owned a Van Gogh umbrella I didn't know who he was.
    I'm sailing the waters of life.. catching a fish sometimes else riding the waves iin all cryptic mysticism. What are you upto? I remember you used to draw beautifully.

  3. I just came to New York.
    I'm doing my mfa in design and technology here. My semester just started. And I'm coming to realize how lost and confused I am in comparison to the others around me( or how bad I am in hiding it when compared to the others around me). I often find myself wondering where to begin and where to end. I want to go crazy with ideas but find myself self-limiting and my ideas stale( I think studying engineering in Mumbai can really stamp out the creativity in anyone). Which is why I saw your blog and was awed by how crazy you can get. My email address is You would love this course( although i am not sure how technologically-inclined you are...but it definitely requires a certain spark that not many have...a kind of "dr. seuss-y" craziness )...anyway....keep in touch..


  4. A friend I hold very dear just moved from NY to Bombay. Life is constantly happening all at once and most of it gets pretty overwhelming and makes me dizzy too. At times like these I choose to let things pass through me, as if its music and you don't control the dance. The pens are juicy and the paper is thirsty. Who knows of who holds the pen?
    Don't try to grip yourself on the rollercoaster that is life. Just find yourself screaming onto the pages.

  5. I'm not very much into computer generated imagery but I did use a bit of technology to finish my first illustrations for a children's book called - Sufia and the High Witch of Gramul.

    Will send you an email now that I have your address.x

  6. Thanks for the tips.....i'll keep them in mind..:).....The name of the book you're writing is the kind of book I would pick up and it.....if u need any help with the technological end of things for your book, lemme know...anyway....will look forward to your mail...bye


Try not be anonymous, leave a cryptic initial.