Wednesday, April 28, 2010


the harmony of the heart is hidden
beneath these layers of table manners,
polite excuse mes at every sneeze
and every not required apologetic email.
let go of people who are your life's motifs
and look clearly at the space you're in.
the room, the doors, the corners, the beams,
the chair, the rickshaw.

see the tiny life of your present moment
like an earthworm crawling,
against the mammoth that is your past
like the frozen Everest.

and breathe.
breathe in that which truly is..
around you, over you beneath you.
that which sits silent in your pain,
that which sits silent in your numbness,
that which hides in your love,
that which exists no matter
where your awareness rushes to.
why fight the world's pain for them?
why pity and why cure?
what lies true, lies inside you and you alone.

1 comment:

  1. Is this drawn with chinese ink and string?

    Evocative.your words.


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