Monday, December 17, 2007

Love is something that happens in that part of the brain which is between your ears plugged with an ipod.


  1. for me,
    it seems to happen...and often get stuck in:
    my throat- the part that vibrates when i hum..
    the centre of my chest.
    and sometimes it hurts.

  2. Does it? Because that would be a totally 21st century phenonmenon. In the times of Shakespeare, the liver was supposed to be the seat of affection. Somewhere down the ages, it moved to the heart. And if it's now gone further up to the brain, will it gradually just disappear into thin air?!!

  3. Chamko Rani's got a pretty nice space here. :O

    Lurrved ur paintings btw. :P

  4. Tis true the ipodless are unloved.

    P.S.: love your new stuff


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