Sunday, April 01, 2007

We are at war!
Mother India has illegally disposed off 20 pinwheels belonging to the glitter army of our country.
This has caused an acute degree of discontent among the citizens of Glitterland and Blingville. "Xanadu is in danger! We shall not let more injustice happen" cried a protestor at one of the many rallies at Passage 2.5.
Madame Chamki has declared war. The North Window Frontier has been lined by pinwheels of the brightest and most toxic shades of pink. These spin at regular intervals causing Mother India's eyes much torture.
We are left with only 4 pinwheels. Our country is poor. We need help! Any aid welcome!


  1. My two little Pequetes love pinwheels. So I guess we can contribute with a couple of them to your peace efforts!

  2. Aww! That would be lovely Mrs. Pequete!
    The people of Xanadu shall pray for you to be blessed.


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