Friday, April 27, 2007

Tagged by Steamroller

1. Pick out a scar you have, and explain how you got it:
Marks of stitches right next to my right eye. Hit a cycling kid when I was 6, it was red with still blood not flowing Tarantino style. Got stitches 3 or 5.

2. What is on the walls in your room?
2 pictures of me when I was 3 and 4. A painting Dhi made and signed with pall point pen at the back. Pin wheels, butterfly clips, radium glow in the dark fish and sea creatures which freak me out at night sometimes.

3. What does your phone look like.
White, simple flap bought only because of the design. I appreciate a good design. Features none.

4. What music do you listen to?
Sounds, mood makers, silence, a car splashing clogged drain water, Aazaan - muslim call for prayer and my favourite is distant flutewala.

5. What is your current desktop picture?
It was my Dad's photograph on London Bridge but now its Ace of Swords from the Sacred Rose Tarot Deck.

6. What do you want more than anything right now?
A house with a little grass a swing and a fence. Tiny pond can follow. Also, a guy who wants to live with me and I want to live with him.

7. Do you believe in gay marriage?
whats there to believe?

8. What time were you born?
4:55 in the evening.

9. Are your parents still together?

10. What are you listening to?
Right now? Jack Johnson - Fortunate Fool.

12. The last person to make you cry?
BBB and his ex.

13. What is your favourite perfume/cologne?
Oceanus by Body shop and my homemade perfume.

14. What kind of hair/eye colour do you like on the opposite sex?
Bright eyes, ones that I want to look at and not shy away. Hair colour? Anything from black to white to none.

15. Do you like pain killers?
No. I never take them. I sleep instead.

16. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
Always. I've never asked anyone, they somehow know, I make it too obvious.

17. Fave pizza topping?
I've had pizza 5 times in my life. Today was the 5th time.

18. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
Chocolate ice cream, or kiwi ice cream, or 21 love ice cream.

19. Who was the last person you made mad?

20. Is anyone in love with you?

I pass the tag to Mahima (please?) , Pallavi (don't be fussy), James(c'mon you can do it), Aneesh (See! now you have something to write) and Chini (get to it maaan!)


    I'm worried Oceanus right now!!! I've had a little flask of perfume oil, not the cologne for years and today I thought I'd use it. I'm so amazed!
    (it's a scent that has been present for a long time, I've used the shower gel, deodorant, etc. before)
    Kiwi ice-cream - I want that!

  2. lol I meant to say, wearing, not worrying!!!
    Perhaps I'm worried about something.

  3. I wear Oceanus rarely, I like it so much...and before Body Shop opened nearby I didn't know where I could find it.

    I have the body mist. I don't really use perfumes.I have 2 which I got as gifts but I don't like them.


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