Sunday, February 25, 2007


Chamki's 10 commandments update:
  • Phone check Rs. 50 per week. All under control.
  • Stationery: No silly buy. Only a LAMY and a Sheaffer calligraphy pen! But I have a little job like thing to compensate so I don't feel guilty OK.
  • Clothes: None bought. None stitched as yet.
  • Public Transport: All good!
  • Beauty: Nothing bought. I made my own scented spray! Its water based but great since summer is here!
  • Paid meal: A mini splurge happened. :s
  • Weight: 2 kg lost. Tummy getting back to shape slowly, very slowly.
  • Computer usage: Uncontrollable! Also job is here so need to work na!
So far not bad!
*** stars on 5


  1. What happened to the No - waxing / finding alternative deal ;)

    did I mention ... I love that belt you stitched .

  2. Alternative measure found.
    Mission in progress. I will talk to you about the details. Do not worry. I believe in sharing my knowledge.

  3. I Lurve the new template :)
    I have your metro ticket!
    I am in Bombay! Get in touch!

  4. good thing . And yes, hmph.Have all the fun with Loony :(

    did I mention , you scampered off to Kathmandu when I was in Bbay?

  5. How do you make your own scented spray?

  6. Anonymous? its a lengthy process get in touch.

    Loony>> Where are you? whats your number? You said you would mail it to me!

    Steamroller>> I didn't know you were coming! Next time for sure! Or you could wish I get really famous and they (the good people always)ask me to come to Kolkatta! Ha ha

  7. heee yuss yuss... btw , as a kid I made my water based scented spray in two simple steps >

    1. Flick mother/ father's perfume bottle (friend's in this case , or your own, which case flicking is unnecessary) , spray copious amounts into the bottle you're gonna use

    2. fill the rest of the bottle with water , screw lid- nozzle /whatever system the bottle is.

    Voila, my kiddie perfume is made!

  8. ha ha ha!
    I used lemon grass essential oil. This oil like other essential oils does not evaporate. Add a few drops and water to a spray bottle and it is ready!
    It is like those hydrating sprays you get in the market. Of course those are made with distilled water and mine is made with sterlised = boiled water.
    Add whichever essential oil you want your body to smell of.
    I want to try it with baby oil. I want to smell of johnson's baby oil, I love the fragnance.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Thanks loony!
    I shall delete it asap.
    Have no balance on my cell number right now. Will call you soon.



Try not be anonymous, leave a cryptic initial.