Friday, December 22, 2006

Sticky notes from my head

Having a blog makes me
comfortable with the many faces of me.
The face I like
The face I don’t
The face you know
The face you don’t.
Makes me understand that
it is ok
To share all bits of me
As I am
With the people I know
Or don’t as yet.
It breaks the protective projection
Mission agenda and lets the picture
Build bit by bit in people’s minds.


The most interesting thoughts occur to you
when you can't put them down.
While you study for your exams,
bathe, travel or sleep.


  1. No red paper roses!
    I love you ya.
    I love the new colour of your blog.

    The loneliest people are the one who spoke the truth.

  2. hello chamki. here iam to say u something..i guess now ur not sad :)

    yes blog is means to show ur feelings ,likes and dislikes.also to meet new people in this world.just like i met you.right?

  3. i agree to wat u wrote -- interesting thots occur when u cant put them down , and when u sit to write them down ---BLANK...


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