Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Today is strange.
At 1am I can hear crickets and dogs.
In a city like Bombay where it is difficult to hear
yourself talking, this is very strange indeed.
If there is a time, place and feeling that spells nothingness
then it is now, here and this.

With nothing to say,
nothing to do,
I end my day,
having achieved...


  1. i was in bombay for slmost a week... i could then hear the sounds od the devils' along with the crikets all day long... the crikets used to make me jittery even when the sun was out... some of the bad days of my life.
    bombay was not for me!!!

  2. I can't hear them ever.Just that night.Bombay is not for many of us.

  3. so has everyone else
    hey lova


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