Tuesday, June 13, 2006

So a lot has changed. College has begun. My plants are have grown, they are in their teens. I have got glasses, only for working on the computer. My beloved chappals have passed away. I made my train pass. The spot light on Zig Zag road is back. Pallu is back. I love Paul Simon's - the lion sleeps tonight-thanks to erebus. Mark has quit his job. I have a job- part time, its the same one I had sometime back. There are only 8 people in my class.The girl i gave money to pay my fees, passed it on to a guy who spent it.I'm anxious. I wish to pray for A but I don't know where prayers go.


  1. things like this will follow u everywher u go nad everything u do

  2. he spent it?? oops. I can't grow plants. I could at a point of time... but now I'm a terrible mother.

  3. Class Rep!

    I was a bitch of a CR back in the day.

    Aneesh of course was the nice-guy CR.

    And prayers become little plants, and go to the garden of hope where they can be trampled by bulldozers for kingdom come.

    Enjoy college, the real world is full of shit.

  4. You guys were CRs! Ha ha! COuldn't have imagined.

  5. I like the way the plant has coiled around the watering can... And the blue chappals.

  6. I have got glasses, only for working on the computer.
    I always wished to have glasses one day in ma life....and just few months back I did ma eye-chekup as part of some stupid VISA stamping procedure....DOC said, eye sight is perfect.
    Im using comp since '95 :)

    I wish to pray for A but I don't know where prayers go.
    Prayers usually evaporate in thin air...dont try searching for em...

  7. i wished to have glasses too. I felt the need recently and got 'anti glares'

  8. the lion sleeps tonight??? which one is that?

  9. i dont know, it was called disney-the lion sleeps tonight. Its not on your radio, I got it from ares.

  10. oh.. the lion king song...


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