Sunday, February 19, 2006

one question

this one is for all the people who have finished graduating,
or studying and have just got a job.
I just want to know
if there is a place for you at your job,
do u find yourself satisfied in some small way
at this place, in this job.
job, here could mean anything, part time, sweeping,
watching others work, etc .
This is a survey sort of thing for a post to come...
So please leave your response.


  1. There is a place for me at my job... infact they are desperate for somebody.... it'a always a good relationship when your employer is desperate..

  2. well.. when i got my first job i remember thinking "now my practical education begins" .. for me my job meant that my existence mattered (if only to meet a deadline) and office symbolized the big bad world for me...

    So yes just getting up everyday and going to office (atleast the first few months) was highly satisfactory .. not to mention my first paycheck :)

  3. I've just quit a stable job to focus on other things!

  4. what i love about my job (read passionate) is that i get to learn a LOT! even if it means staring at a comp screen all day...
    and dumb things like watching the haunted coffee vending machine spout steam all by itself, or watching the neighborung team make complete asses of themselves during bday celebrations gives me immense joy :)
    well actually the haunted coffee machine was in the old office, but thinking about it still makes me smile :)

  5. interesting stories and images coming up... keep them going and thanks guys


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