Wednesday, January 04, 2006

little me celeb!

1. On google image search type "divya sharma"
2. go to the second page (yeah, im not that big a celeb to be on the first)
3. see my picture in a blue sweater!!
hee hee!!
heres the link to it, for the lazy ones.
well, im not doing so bad, am i?


  1. Too cool! How about posting a transcript of it on the blog?

  2. Google is kewl!!

    I use Google Earth to hunt down ma pet kitten at times...and 3/10 times Im successful :)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Nicole, i thought that would be a bit too much na? I mean i talk about myself all the time, you have a brother and granny to talk i thought the really realllly interested people will go check it out!

    Arz000n, comment waiting for you at your bizarre blog(well thats what u called it!)Good to see you here.

  5. hahahaha....chimni.....meow meow

  6. name search jus show 3 entries....out of which 2 links dont work...and the one remaining is ''

    i am no-one

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  8. chamki said...

    hee hee
    dont worry aneesh
    just put the dog story on your blog
    and you'll be on google top page
    full on with photo


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